Sunday, July 27, 2008

As The Future Catches You

I finished this book yesterday. It is really an incredible's amazing how many facts you can consume in a two hour read. Now, I just need to convince my daughter to read it too.

The book focuses on how the genetics will become the dominant language of the future. It also addresses what will be required to adapt to this new language and the opportunities that will be possible. However taking advantage of those opportunities will require skills that most of the world is not prepared for. The result will be a widening gap between have and have nots.

The scary part of this is that is an incredibly accurate representation of everything that is going on today. Kids not only don't want to work, but they don't want to learn. It is hard to imagine how they will ever get back on the train with it moving at this speed if they choose not to get on.


wincoder said...

I posted my own review here:
I didn't think it was that great. the rather odd formatting didn't appeal to me either.

asdasd said...

A little sparse with the postings around here Kristal :P

Lyr Lobo said...

*laughs* I found it stimulating, too, Kristal.